Your search has been sent!

You will receive a confirmation e-mail within minutes. This contains all the details of your search and allows you to create an account.

If you have a search with several people, you have to wait until they have also signed up through their invitation.

Then we get to work on finding a property.


The connection to the server is broken, wait until you get connected again!

General terms and conditions

Article 1 Applicability

These Mediation Terms and Conditions apply to all offers and to all mediation assignments, as well as the resulting supplementary mediation agreement(s) and agreements between iRent 020 and the house-hunter, hereinafter referred to as 'Client'.

Article 2 Definitions

2.1. iRent 020: A housing agency registered with the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce under number: 74273353 to be referred to under web address:, hereinafter referred to as 'Broker'.

2.2. Home Seeker: Any natural or legal person, who instructs the Estate Agent to mediate in the search for residential accommodation that is not part of the Estate Agent's portfolio.

2.3 Mediation is understood to mean: the effort obligation of the Broker aimed at bringing the Principal into contact with potential landlord(s) against payment of a mediation fee (brokerage fee) by the Principal, so that the Principal concludes a tenancy agreement with a landlord of a living space, including the assistance by the Broker during viewings of one or more living space(s) as referred to in article 7:425 of the Dutch Civil Code.

2.4 Mediation fee or brokerage commission means the consideration payable by the Client to the Broker for his mediation activities.

2.5 Provisions deviating from these general mediation conditions shall only form part of the agreement concluded between the parties if and insofar as the parties have expressly agreed so in writing.

2.6 In these general mediation conditions, 'in writing' also means by e-mail, by fax or by any other means of communication which, in view of the state of the art and generally accepted views, can be equated with this.

2.7 The written advice, documents, (valuation) reports, surveys, etc. to be produced by the Broker or provided by the Principal shall be referred to in the following as 'the documents'. The 'Documents' shall mean written documents and works recorded on other media, such as on computer disks, USB sticks or any other data carriers. All this, unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise in writing.

2.8 Broker reserves the right to amend Broker's general mediation conditions in the event of amended regulations.

2.9 The inapplicability, for whatever reason, of any (part of a) provision of these general mediation conditions does not affect the applicability of the remaining provisions.

Article 3 Agreements, orders

3.1 Verbal agreements shall bind Broker only after they have been confirmed in writing by Broker or as soon as Broker has commenced execution actions with the consent of Principal.

3.2 Additions or amendments to the general mediation conditions or otherwise changes or additions to the agreement shall only become binding after written confirmation by Broker.

Article 4 Obligations of Client, owing of brokerage fee

4.1 The Client must ensure that any information required for the execution of the agreement is made available to the Broker in good time and in the form required by the Broker.

4.2 The Client shall in all respects n its cooperation in the proper execution of the mediation agreement by both parties. The Client shall not do anything and/or refrain from doing anything that impedes or may impede the proper execution of this agreement.

4.3 If Principal and/or his relations turn out to live in a residential space, of which Principal has obtained the information from Broker, Principal owes the brokerage fee to Broker, regardless of whether the rental agreement was concluded through the mediation of Broker

4.4 If, for whatever reason, the Client does not take up residence in the dwelling for which a rental agreement has been concluded through the mediation of the Estate Agent, or if the rental agreement for this dwelling is terminated, annulled or dissolved, the Client shall remain obliged to pay the brokerage fee and the Client shall not be entitled to a full or partial refund thereof.

4.5 If after giving an agreement for the lease of a residential space, for reasons not attributable to the Estate Agent, Client no longer wishes to lease the residential space, Client shall pay to the Estate Agent an amount equal to the broker fee that Client would have owed to the Estate Agent if a definitive lease had been concluded with the relevant Landlord. In addition, Principal is obliged to indemnify Makelaar for any damages suffered by the relevant landlord.

4.6 If the obligations mentioned in this article are not fulfilled in time, Estate Agent is entitled to suspend the execution of the agreement until the moment that Client has fulfilled these obligations. The costs in connection with the delay or the costs for carrying out additional work or the other consequences arising from this shall be at the expense and risk of the Client.

4.7 If the Client requests iRent 020 to submit a rental proposal to a third party, actually has it submitted by iRent 020 to a third party and after agreement declines - for a reason not attributable to iRent 020 - to rent an object, the Client shall owe an amount of €500 excluding VAT.

Article 5 Personal data

Client's personal data will be included in Broker's records. Broker does not provide any data to third parties without Client's consent. The registered data will be used by Broker exclusively for the purpose of executing agreements concluded by it with Client.

Article 6 Progress, execution of assignment/agreement

6.1 The Estate Agent is obliged to execute the assignment/agreement in an expert, careful manner and in accordance with the standards applicable in its branch for this purpose.

6.2 Broker cannot be obliged to start carrying out the work before all necessary information is in its possession.

Article 7 Duration of agreement, broker's obligation to use best efforts

7.1 A mediation agreement runs for an indefinite period of time, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

7.2 Broker shall make every effort to the best of his ability and knowledge to achieve the result desired or intended by Principal. This is at all times an effort obligation on the part of the Estate Agent and not an obligation to achieve a result. If the aforementioned result is not achieved, this does not relieve the Client of his obligations towards the Estate Agent, with the exception of any obligations explicitly linked by the parties to achieving the intended result.

Article 8 End and termination of the mediation agreement

8.1 Unless otherwise agreed and without prejudice to the other provisions of these general mediation conditions, the mediation agreement shall end, inter alia, by:

  • a. fulfilment of the agreement by Broker;
  • b. cancellation by Client;
  • c. termination by Broker.

8.2 The agreement is fulfilled as soon as the intended result is achieved.

8.3 Client and Broker are authorised to terminate this agreement at any time.

8.4 The parties cannot derive a right to compensation from the termination of the agreement by notice of termination, unless notice of termination is given due to the other party's failure to fulfil one or more obligations.

Article 9 Mediation commission

9.1 The Home Seeker instructs the Estate Agent to search for accommodation that largely or entirely meets the specified selection preferences. The Estate Agent works in accordance with the 'No Cure No Pay' principle. After suitable accommodation is found for the house hunter, the house hunter owes the Estate Agent a mediation fee (equal to one and a half months rent, excluding VAT) if the Estate Agent brings about a rental agreement through its mediation. This mediation fee must be paid before the keys to the leased property are handed over.

9.2 If the amount due is not paid within the payment period, a reminder will be sent. If no later than 7 days after the first reminder the claim is not paid, a second reminder will be sent. With the second reminder, the house hunter will owe contractual interest on the invoice amount equal to the statutory interest rate. If no later than 7 days after the second reminder the claim is not paid, the house-hunter will owe the Estate Agent extrajudicial collection costs of 15% of the invoice amount with a minimum of €250. If payment has not yet been received, the house-hunter will be liable for the costs incurred by the Estate Agent for collection of its claim.

9.3 The house-hunter shall owe the Broker the full brokerage fee if it turns out that the house-hunter, without the knowledge of the Broker, has nevertheless subsequently accepted the housing accommodation, which was previously offered to the house-hunter by the Broker and he refused.

9.4 If Home Seeker instructs the Estate Agent to mediate in finding a dwelling, Home Seeker is obliged to have a rental agreement with a housing provider come about through the mediation of the Estate Agent. If the rental agreement is established by other means, Home Seeker shall owe a penalty to the Estate Agent of one month's rent including VAT.

9.5 The house seeker must have fulfilled the following before the housing accommodation is made available to him:

  • the rental agreement must be signed by all parties;
  • the house seeker has paid the rent and deposit due;
  • the house seeker has paid the brokerage commission to the Estate Agent.

9.6 The parties cannot derive a right to compensation from the termination of the agreement by notice of termination, unless notice of termination is given due to the other party's failure to fulfil one or more obligations.

Article 10 Liability

10.1 If Broker mediates in the conclusion of a tenancy agreement between Landlord and Tenant, Broker is never a party to the tenancy agreement and he is not liable for the content and implementation of the tenancy agreement. Under no circumstances shall the Estate Agent be liable for the loss of the Client resulting from the situation that the lease price and/or the agreed service (costs) and/or the additional one-off or non-recurring fees are not in accordance with the law.

10.2 Broker discharges its duties as may be expected of a company in its line of business, but accepts no liability whatsoever for damage, including consequential damage, trading loss, loss of profit and/or stagnation damage, resulting from acts or omissions of Broker, its personnel or third parties engaged by it.

10.3 Broker is not liable for damage suffered by Client as a result of acts or omissions thereof by the other party to the tenancy agreement concluded through the mediation of Broker.

10.4 The limitations of liability included in this article do not apply if the damage is due to intent and/or deliberate recklessness of Broker.

10.5 Without prejudice to the provisions in the other paragraphs of this article, the liability shall at all times be limited to the amount of the payment to be made by the Broker's insurer in the relevant case, insofar as Broker is insured for this.

10.6 If Broker is not insured as referred to in the previous paragraph, Broker's liability shall at all times be limited to twice the amount of the brokerage fee charged and/or to be charged by Broker to Principal for her activities and/or services.

10.7 Broker is not liable for the consequences of any damage and/or defects to the property present at the time of acceptance of the property by Client. It is up to the Client to check the property for any damage and/or defects and, if necessary, to hold the landlord accountable.

Article 11 Competent court, applicable law

11.1 The agreement concluded between Broker and Client is exclusively governed by Dutch law. Disputes arising from this agreement shall also be settled under Dutch law.

11.2 Any disputes will be settled by the competent Dutch court, albeit that Broker, insofar as the law does not imperatively oppose this, is entitled to bring a case before the competent court in the place where Broker is established.

Privacy Agreement

iRent 020, located at Keizersgracht 258 D, 1016 EV Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, the Netherlands, is responsible for the processing of personal data as reflected in this privacy statement.

Contact details:
Keizersgracht 258 D, 1016 EV Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Max Brummer is the Data Protection Officer for iRent 020. He can be reached at

Personal data we process

iRent 020 processes your personal data because you use our services and/or because you provide them to us yourself.

Below is an overview of the personal data we process:

- First name and surname

- Date of birth

- Place of birth

- Address details

- Phone number

- Email address

- Other personal data that you actively provide e.g. by creating a profile on this website, in correspondence and by telephone

- Data about your activities on our website Special and/or sensitive personal data we process iRent 020 processes the following special and/or sensitive personal data about you:

- citizen service number (BSN)

For what purpose and on what basis do we process personal data iRent 020 processes your personal data for the following purposes:

- Handling your payment

- Calling or emailing you if necessary to carry out our services

- Allowing you to create an account

- To deliver goods and services to you

- iRent 020 analyses your behaviour on the website in order to improve the website and tailor the offer of products and services to your preferences.

How long we keep personal data

iRent 020 will not retain your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes for which your data is collected. We use the following retention periods for the following (categories of) personal data:

First and last name > Half year provided all your search(s) have been completed > Then we can help you with your search as well and quickly as possible

Address > Half year provided all your search(s) have been completed > Then we can help you with your search as well and quickly as possible

E-mail address > Half a year provided all your search(s) have been completed > Then we can help you with your search as well and as quickly as possible

Phone number Half year provided all your search(s) have been completed > Then we can help you with your search as well and quickly as possible

BSN number > Half year provided all your search(s) have been completed > Then we can help you with your search as well and quickly as possible

Date of birth > Half a year provided all your search(s) have been completed > Then we can help you with your search as well and as quickly as possible

Place of birth > Half year provided all your search(s) have been completed > Then we can help you with your search as well and quickly as possible

Sharing personal data with third parties

iRent 020 only discloses to third parties and only when necessary to perform our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation.

Cookies, or similar techniques, that we use

iRent 020 uses only technical and functional cookies. And analytical cookies that do not invade your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone the first time you visit this website. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical operation of the website and your ease of use. They ensure that the website works properly and, for example, remember your preferences. They also allow us to optimise our website. You can opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser to no longer store cookies. You can also delete any information previously stored via your browser settings.

View, modify or delete data

You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. You can do this yourself via the personal settings of your account. You also have the right to withdraw your possible consent to data processing or object to the processing of your personal data by our company, and you have the right to data portability. This means you can submit a request to us to send the personal data we hold on you in a computer file to you or another organisation named by you.

If you wish to exercise your right to object and/or right to data portability or have other questions/comments on data processing, please send an itemised request via the portal.

To ensure that the request for inspection is made by you, we ask you to send a copy of your proof of identity with the request. In this copy, black out your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip of numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and Citizen Service Number (BSN). This is to protect your privacy. iRent 020 will respond to your request as soon as possible, but at least within four weeks.

iRent 020 would also like to inform you that you have the option to file a complaint with the national regulator, the Authority for Personal Data. You can do so via the following link:

click here

How we secure personal data

iRent 020 takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to counter abuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised modification. If you have the impression that your details are not properly secured or there are indications of abuse, please contact our customer service or via

Add a co-tenant

You have to enter your first name though!

You have to fill in your surname though!

You have to enter your phone number though!

What will be the composition of your future living situation?

You do need to specify your composition!

What is your work status at the moment?

You do need to enter your employment status!

How many people will you be living with?

Do you have a preference for a specific neighbourhood in Amsterdam?

What is your preference of interior design?

What is the maximum budget for rent per month excluding gas, water and light?

You do need to fill in your budget!

Which location(s) do you prefer?

From when do you want to move into your new home?




Ma Di Wo Do Vr Za Zo

You have to enter a date though!

Finding a nice and fincancially realistic rental property in Amsterdam seems to have become impossible in this day and age. To still make this process successful, consider giving us a search request.

A search is on No Cure- No Pay basis, if we have found a suitable property for you we will charge you 1.5x month's rent + 21% VAT.

Are you looking for the right rental property in Amsterdam and want to use our service? Then click further at the bottom of the page.


You do need to enter your first name!

You do have to fill in your surname!

You do need to enter your phone number!

Current address

You do need to enter your street name!

You do need to enter your house number!

You do need to enter your postcode!

You do need to enter your city!

You do need to enter your province!

You do need to enter your country!

You now get the option to list all co-tenants.

Once you have signed the search request, an e-mail is sent to all co-tenants so that they can also agree to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Agreement. This also confirms that they are one of the co-tenants. If you will be the only one paying the rent or you will be living alone, you do not need to sign anyone up.


Email address

You haven't added any co-tenants yet!

You do need to sign up your co-tenants!

The undersigned has received and taken note of iRent 020's General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Agreement. The General Terms and Conditions form an integral part of this order confirmation. By signing this order confirmation, the undersigned declares that he/she is in agreement with its contents. This offer is valid for an indefinite period of time and is free of charge. Please refer to the General Terms and Conditions for further details.

You do need to enter the city of signing!

You do need to fill in a signature!